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Taking you boldy where no tour guide has taken you before.

Welcome to Cardiff Tour Guide! Whether you're a new or old resident of Cardiff or simply visiting our beautiful city, we believe we have a tour for you! You can explore Cardiff's rich history, architecture, arts and entertainments on one of our many specialised tours running daily across the city. Offering public and private tours, both day and night, contact us today or view our timetable of events for more information.

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Public & Private Tours

Somethings should be for everyone.

Here at tour guide Cardiff we believe everybody should be able to explore the cities rich history and culture, that's why we offer a range of public tours where the entry fee is donation based. Our day tours cover up to 2000 years of Cardiff's history and takes you on a trail that is entertaining, informative and unique, helping you make the most out of your visit!

Alternatively contact us today to enquire about a private tour guide services that caters an experience package to your interests and needs .

Night Tours

Everything you need to know about Cardiff’s past and present told beneath the night sky, with burning city lights and a roaring welsh atmosphere!

Our night tour is all about history and entertainment, so not only will you learn something about our local history but also where to go to have a fantastic and unique experience during your visit to our city. 

In Cardiff we have many entertainment venues from theatres, stadiums, concert halls, as well as the museums and castles! This tour is great for those new to the city and would like to see what else Cardiff has to offer.


Stay up to date with our weekly timetable of events on our social media accounts or contact us today to confirm your place.

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A Message from Your Tour Guide

Samuel Taylor

Hello, my name is Samuel and I will be your tour guide during your visit to our beautiful city! In my header, it states that I will take you boldly where no tour guide has taken you before. A play on words, most certainly, but I am not only taking you to a place no one has taken you before, but a time! Unlike many other Cardiff tour guides, I have lived in Cardiff all my life, I know the stories only a local person can tell. From the wild stories of yesterday’s aristocracy to modern moments such as our city being part of the 2012 Olympic games! Plus important welsh triumphant dates and facts of those in history that made this wonderful city what it is today. Accompanied with humorous tales along the way, I share with you all the facts, figures, and dates as well as the stories tourist never get to find out about. So, why not join me on a fascinating, educating and at times entertaining tour of this wonderful city!

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